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Send a Request for Money to Your Buyers

PayPal’s ‘Request Money’ feature allows you to collect money for a sale or send a payment reminder to a customer. There are two options available when you log in to your account and click on the ‘Request Money’ tab:

  • Create a Money Request
    Simply fill out the form with the recipients email address, and they will receive instructions on how to pay you through PayPal. You can request money from several people at once by separating the email addresses with a comma.

  • Create an Invoice
    Invoicing works the same as creating a money request. However, with Invoicing, you can break up the total amount due into specific line items, including shipping and tax. Invoicing also allows you to create templates if you send many copies of the same invoice – allowing you to save pre-filled invoices for future use, instead of typing out each invoice. All you do is simply retrieve a template, edit any changed fields, and then send the invoice.

    Additionally, you can remind buyers about outstanding requests, cancel unpaid requests, and view past request from your history page.


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